Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stop the Clock.

Hey guys!
I'm sorry about the lack of posts, but life has been rather busy lately. I've had tons of school work and tests. Not to mention an annoying, super thick SAT prep book that consumes an hour and a half of my life everyday. And ontop of that a bunch of practices for baton competitions. So, with all of that I most likely won't be able to post anything until after March 14th when I take the SAT's. (Unless I'm lucky and get a snow day. Keep your fingers crossed, haha.) But, I've also had some ideas going through my head that you may like, if that makes up for anything. I'm really sorry about this. I hope you'll bear with me though.

1 comment:

mrsjordanstaal11 said...

I completely understand being busy. Senior year is crazy and taking AP English wasn't the brightest idea that I've ever had. Good luck with the SAT's, they're a real pain in the ass.

Can't wait for more of the story, and what you have planned.